Where scale-ups come to scale wisely

ScaleWise matches investment-backed B2B tech companies with exceptional go-to-market leaders, fast.
Two men smiling

Tom Glason & Gavin Sumner, Co-founders @ ScaleWise

“We use our SaaS leadership experience, curated GTM community and uniquely flexible solutions to find the expertise you need to scale, wisely.”

ScaleWise solutions

We help fast-growth tech businesses find game-changing sales, marketing, customer success, revops & partnerships leaders. Our flexibly tailored solutions include:

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Get full-time GTM leaders in six weeks, not six months

Interim & Fractional

Get experienced GTM leaders on a flexible basis

Scale Coaching

Get GTM expertise and advice by the hour

Unsure what you need?

Book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss.

See how our fast-growth tech clients have scaled wisely

Arctic Shores

Sales growth

Mosaic Smart Data

Quicker sales cycle


Permanent hire

How we’re unique

Get the right GTM expertise at the right time to drive capital efficient growth, free-up founder time and extend your cash runway.

GTM Expert

Speak to GTM experts, not recruiters

We know what good looks like. ScaleWise uses its first-hand GTM experience to provide honest advice and match you with the right leader for your specific stage of growth.

GTM Expert

Only pay for the expertise you need

A new way to access GTM leaders. ScaleWise tailors the right go-to-market leadership solutions as you scale, be it temporary (Interim & Fractional), coaching or a permanent hire.

GTM Expert

Hire leaders in days, not months

Get the best talent, really quickly. ScaleWise leverages its pre-vetted network of experienced, often ‘off-market’ leaders to find a game-changer for your business, 6x quicker than average.

GTM Expert

Speak to GTM experts, not recruiters

We know what good looks like. ScaleWise uses its first-hand GTM experience to provide honest advice and match you with the right leader for your specific stage of growth.

GTM Expert

Only pay for the expertise you need

A new way to access GTM leaders. ScaleWise tailors the right go-to-market leadership solutions as you scale, be it temporary (Interim & Fractional), coaching or a permanent hire.

GTM Expert

Hire leaders in days, not months

Get the best talent, really quickly. ScaleWise leverages its pre-vetted network of experienced, often ‘off-market’ leaders to find a game-changer for your business, 6x quicker than average.

Firaas Rashid, CEO at Hook

‘The alternative to using ScaleWise is a pretty slow, arduous and full of risk hiring process’

ScaleWise Experts

Our pre-vetted community includes hundreds of go-to-market leaders across sales, marketing, customer success, partnerships and RevOps.


Chief Revenue Officer


Chief Marketing Officer


VP Rev Ops



VP Sales



VP Customer Success



VP Marketing



Head of Marketing



Head of Sales



Head of Rev Ops



Head of Partnerships



VP Partnerships



Head of Customer Success


ScaleWise has supported the portfolio companies of top-tier investors

Octopus ventures

Why scale wisely?

Securing the right GTM expertise at the right time is more important than ever.

Funding drying-up

Scale-ups need to optimise their GTM quickly and cost-effectively.


YoY fall in VC tech funding

Cost of mishires

Scale-ups can’t afford to mishire a GTM leader or miss targets.



Salary cost of mishire

Hiring delays

Scale-ups can’t wait six months to hire a GTM leader.


Avg time to hire a GTM leader

Client testimonials

Hear how we’ve helped our clients find the right GTM expertise.

Jon Abbott

Jon Abbott

CEO, ThreatAware

“ScaleWise are unbelievable at finding the right people. Their fractional sales leader was a great success and exactly what we needed. We’ve also just made two high-quality permanent hires with them and the process was super-quick and even more impressive than the fractional hire. I don’t know how they do it, but it really works.”

Daniel Duran

Daniel Duran

Head of Marketing, Capsule CRM

“ScaleWise gave us a better articulation of what we thought we were looking for. They got the brief spot on, provided us with three excellent, but varied, candidates and changed our mindsets about how it’s possible to scale in the future.”

Sam Coulton

Sam Caulton

CFO, Re-Leased

“We just assumed a fractional leader couldn’t create change in three months, but we’ve been proven wrong. We asked for three things to solve and he went and solved them: doing what a great full-time VP would do, but even quicker. For an immediate impact like that, I would pay for an interim leader time and time again.”

Robert Newry

Robert Newry

CEO and Co-Founder, Arctic Shores

“Credit to ScaleWise for not only having the breadth of sales leaders to choose from, but for working closely with me, having the right processes and asking the right questions to make sure we got the best match possible. To top the experience off, the handover to the new CRO has been well thought through and structured. I am very happy with the overall results and collaboration.”

Matt Jones

Matt Jones

Head of Go-To-Market, EvaluAgent

“Having valuable expertise ‘on tap’ from ScaleWise has been pivotal in accelerating the growth of EvaluAgent. The ScaleWise Coach’s knowledge and understanding of scaling shone through at every step of the engagement and enabled us to structure and streamline our GTM efforts.”

Mike Mead

Mike Mead

CCO, The Scale Factory

“The external perspective has been invaluable. Being able to ask someone who’s been there, done that, whether your sales strategy makes sense gives you so much more confidence to execute a plan successfully. I’m really looking forward to doing the same with marketing – especially as I think we’ll need more hands-on support there.”

Tatjana Hayward

Tatjana Hayward

Business Operations Lead, Senseforce

“ScaleWise coaching had a big impact right from the start, helping us to execute a much more effective marketing strategy whilst implementing best practices throughout our sales & marketing funnel.”

Michael Whitman

Michael Whitman

Head of NHS Partnerships, Second Nature

“Working collaboratively with someone that’s done it all before and chatting through issues as they arise each week has not only given me the conviction to press ahead with big decisions, but enabled me to unite the partnerships team behind our approach.”

Emily Potter

Emily Potter

VP of Customer Success, SearchPilot

“The experience of coaching with Scalewise has been excellent from the outset. They have a fantastic network of coaches, that made it very difficult to choose just one to work with. Gavin was very helpful throughout the entire process of choosing a coach, and everyone I’ve had a positive experience with everyone I’ve had contact with through Scalewise. The coaching itself has also really helped with my career both tactically and in the bigger picture.”

Scaling vs scaling wisely

The right revenue expertise at the right time drives capital efficient growth, frees-up founder time and can extend cash runway.

‘Scaling’ Scalewise ‘Scaling wisely
Pay high recruitment fees for permanent hires
Only pay for as much expertise as you need
Wait 6-9 months to hire a permanent GTM leader
Secure a GTM leader in 30 days
Receive hundreds of unrelated CVs from career recruiters
Receive a short-list of world-class leaders with the right skills
Run the risk of a costly, time-consuming and stressful mishire
Get matched to the right type of leader by B2B tech experts
Fill all GTM leadership gaps with permanent full-time hires
Get flexible leadership solutions based on stage, budget and need

Our 3-step process


Get in touch with ScaleWise for a free 30−minute consultation


Receive a detailed brief, job spec and candidate shortlist based on your needs 


Secure the right GTM leader
in days, not months